Monday, August 27, 2012

Retrospective 1- Treasure trove of the Princess Mirabelle (small yellow plum)

This was an exhibition I had at egetal, Little Collins Street in 2005. The Little Collins Street store is no more. The exhibition was based on this text I wrote...

...whilst the crew of THE ROYAL SHIP THE PRINCESS MIRABELLE (small yellow plum) were cavorting on a nearby island, the cook bitterly resentful of recent jibes at what he considered High Art Conceptual Cuisine& fuelled by copious amounts of hard liquor, set fire to the ship. He then made a hasty escape in a rowboat to a nearby harbour town where he subsequently became incredibly famous for a dish incorporating seagull feathers, fungi, barnacles & a piece of old rope.
The crew, quite frankly, were tired of life on the high seas & the appalling food dished up by the crackpot cook. After their success in an island karaoke competition they formed a singing, dancing troupe & toured the world to great acclaim. 
THE PRINCESS MIRABELLE (small yellow plum) alas, sank regally to the bottom of the ocean where she lay with all her booty for years. Until discovered, quite recently by that intrepid adventurer JENNIFER.T. MARTIN. ( The underwater discovery recreated here using actual photographs & physical evidence of the incredible find!)   

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